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Islands Architecture in Vue with Máximo Mussini - VUE 170
Lindsay and Steve talk with Máximo Mussini, avid Vite user and plugin creator, about his recent work on Îles, a new static site generation framework built on Vite and Vue. They discuss Máximo’s journey into web development, and his work on the plugin ecosystem in Vite (such as Vite Ruby). They then dive into Îles: what it is, what problems it solves, and what it compares with. They also discuss the concept of “Islands Architecture” that was popularized by tools like Astro.

Lindsay Wardell
Hi, I'm Lindsay Wardell!

I am a programmer, writer, and mother. I work as a Senior Software Engineer at Khan Academy. I write and talk about Elm, Vue, Vite, and other tools that I enjoy learning about and using.