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418 Posts
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Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

I shared a blog post on Twitter and Mastodon yesterday. Based on my site traffic, I got ~76 hits from Mastodon (which doesn’t show as a referrer), with 23 boosts and 42 likes.
I got 9 hits from Twitter, with 3 retweets and 7 likes.
I have 363 followers on Mastodon, and 1208 on Twitter.
I know the post was about Mastodon so there is some bias, but I feel like the community here is tangible. Looking forward to using Mastodon more going forward!

Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

A bit over a week later, I now have ~118 views from Mastodon, and 13 from Twitter. Despite the timeline not being algorithmic, I'm getting more views from Mastodon.

I also got 13 views from another site's blog post that referenced my post, so Twitter's showing here is really not great.

Again, I know that this is going to be biased since I'm writing about Mastodon, but I thought it was noteworthy.

Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

@lindsaykwardell my assumption is that Mastodon delivers posts the way Twitter used to before the highly personalized algorithm.

I barely see what most people I follow are posting on Twitter.

On the other hand, it feels like we should curate more the people we follow on Mastodon? That way we don't clutter our own timelines? Just rambling, haha

Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

@eryc yeah, it’s a balance. I had to unfollow some hashtags so I could see the people I followed again.

Raymond Camden

@lindsaykwardell thank u for sharing this - I've been needing a better analytics offering