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Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

Feel like the ChatGPT would be good for generating writing prompts.

In the beginning, the pantheon of gods gathered together to create a new and wondrous creature. They debated and discussed, and finally they settled on the idea of creating ants.

The gods worked together, using their great powers to shape and form the ants. They gave them strong and agile bodies, capable of carrying great weights and moving quickly across the earth. They gave them sharp eyes, so that they could see even the smallest details. And they gave them a strong sense of community, so that they could work together and accomplish great things.

When the gods had finished their work, they looked upon the ants with great pride and satisfaction. The ants were a marvel to behold, and the gods knew that they had created something truly wonderful.

The gods then sent the ants out into the world, to live and thrive and flourish. And the ants obeyed, spreading out across the earth and establishing their colonies.

They worked hard and tirelessly, building their nests and gathering food. They fought bravely against their enemies, and they overcame many challenges and obstacles.

And as the years passed, the ants continued to thrive and grow. They became one of the most successful and resilient species on the earth, and they were a source of great pride to the pantheon of gods.

The gods watched over the ants, and they were pleased with their creation. And the ants, in turn, praised and worshiped the gods, grateful for the gifts that they had been given.