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Hayley Stone
Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

@hayleystone my vote goes to Tunic, that’s probably the standout for me of games I played. Fun graphics, great storytelling.

Hayley Stone

@lindsaykwardell What little of Tunic I've played I enjoyed; it does have such a cool approach to storytelling.

Not sure if you've played Death's Door, but it gives me similar vibes (and I loved that one).

Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️
Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

@hayleystone Just took a quick tool, it definitely inspires the same feelings.

Hayley Stone

@lindsaykwardell Oh, please do! It's delightful! Just the right amount of challenge, imo, paired with great visuals and pleasant humor.