@patak I think that would be really nice! Having to choose to see previously read content makes a lot of sense, feels a lot like RSS readers.

My favorite part of using Mastodon so far is that the chronological timeline helps me stop scrolling. If I reach content I’ve already seen, I can just stop. And that’s wonderful ❤️

My newly printed copy of Star Commander arrived!! So excited!!

@tvanantwerp I’m not going anywhere near it, I’m suspicious it’s just a version of Twitter someone built as a side project that is now getting attention.

@chantastic I have two accounts, one is my main and another is an account for interacting on a specific instance via the local timeline.

@daniel @chantastic I’m going to need to work on my hot takes 😅

@chantastic does this mean I’m an influencer? 👀


State of JS survey is live! https://survey.devographics.com/survey/state-of-js/2022

@patak @spences10 exciting! Looking forward to trying it out!

@joel @davew Yep, this is what I do. Host on Netlify using a static site generator, I pay nothing but the domain renewal.

@gsnedders Agreed, I like the instant-ness of conversations here, but I just know I'm missing stuff from people I care about.

@BlackOakBindery These look so cool! I've always wanted a journal like this, they look great!

Just got my first personal example of Copilot giving me "real" data.

@tvanantwerp Feel like I'm in reverse, the family I had seems to have moved away, my parents sometimes are available but they live over an hour away so it's not a regular thing.

@zkat this is exactly how I feel whenever I have to switch from Elm to JS, so much extra overhead.

@IanVS that's an immediate no for me. Same reason I haven't tried out the new Arc browser yet.

Nuxt 3 is now stable! https://nuxt.com/v3

@matthewp @maartenballiauw This is great! Just set it up for my own site, thanks for sharing!