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Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

Apparently my statement from a couple months ago is no longer correct. Mastodon now has plenty of takes about Tailwind.

Can't we have a platform where people just use the tools they enjoy, and don't worry about what other people are doing? Do we really have to be as heated here as on Twitter?

If you like Tailwind, great! So do I. It's lovely to work with.

If you don't like Tailwind, that's fine! Nobody's telling you to.

Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

Also, there's zero reason to not write custom CSS selectors *and* use Tailwind. It's all CSS, it works together wonderfully.

Amy Toebeans

@lindsaykwardell oh neat, I need to replace bootstrap3 on my blog and this is pretty much what I've been looking for :)

@lindsaykwardell I always feel conflicted giving opinions on tech.

If it's someone's preference for their personal project then my opinion is just that.

If it's a work related, then I feel more invested because I've spent most of my career working on code that someone else wrote and then left to start another greenfield project. I.e. I've spent a lot of time in code tossed together and then left for greener pastures. I'd like to be left with green instead of brown pastures.

@lindsaykwardell definitely doesn't mean I'm in the right to even share my opinion though. Sometimes I probably shouldn't when I do.

Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

@wolfadex I think discussing pros/cons, tradeoffs, and alternatives is fine and reasonable. But the key is having a discussion, with the assumption that those involved are reasonable and seeking understanding/improvement.

A lot of the hot takes I've seen on Tailwind (for example) are just dunks with the goal of making utility CSS look dumb and labeling anyone who likes it as clearly a bad developer. It's just not constructive.

@lindsaykwardell "dunking" on people is so frustrating! Can't we all just build cool things and share them and have fun!

Dario Djuric

@lindsaykwardell totally agree, but Mastodon is just a tool like any other for having the discussion. The more people are on board, the higher the chance there will be people who just want to argue.