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Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

Apparently my statement from a couple months ago is no longer correct. Mastodon now has plenty of takes about Tailwind.

Can't we have a platform where people just use the tools they enjoy, and don't worry about what other people are doing? Do we really have to be as heated here as on Twitter?

If you like Tailwind, great! So do I. It's lovely to work with.

If you don't like Tailwind, that's fine! Nobody's telling you to.

Lindsay Wardell 🏳️‍⚧️

Also, there's zero reason to not write custom CSS selectors *and* use Tailwind. It's all CSS, it works together wonderfully.

Amy Toebeans

@lindsaykwardell oh neat, I need to replace bootstrap3 on my blog and this is pretty much what I've been looking for :)